Keep your history
haunted. thrilling. mysterious.

2 Locations with Tours Tailored to Give You Chills!

Long and Short Walks

Historical City

Private group walks available


Happy Clients

What to Expect

Once You Book

Begin your journey in the heart of our historic town. Learn about the historic origins of these locations and the lives of its early settlers. But there may be some important things you want to know before the walk begins!

Ghost Colonies:

Learn more about our three Historical locations and see why they are worth exploring.

Haunted Dwellings & Supernatural Legends

Want to hear more stories from around the ghost colonies? Check out our blog to learn more about other buildings you might see near our tours.

About Us

What makes our haunted walk special

Join us for an unforgettable journey through the supernatural history of Williamsburg, Virginia. Whether you're a history buff, a paranormal enthusiast, or simply curious about the mysteries that surround our town, our Haunted Historical Walks offer something for everyone.

Explore the past, embrace the unknown, and experience the spine-tingling stories that Williamsburg has to offer. We can't wait to share our town's secrets with you!

What Our Customers Wrote About Us

It was really cool learning a lot about colonial Williamsburg. I was lucky enough to have Angelica as our tour guide. She did such an amazing job a taught us way more than I thought I was going to learn. It was cool learning about the ghost of Mr. Prentis who likes to throw stuff at people. I would really recommend her as a tour guide! It overall was a blast!
Chris C.
10/10 experience, Me & the family had an amazing tour! We loved it & how spooky everything was!
Cynthia S.
Amazing experience my daughter loved it we will definitely be returning highly recommended
My grandchildren 4, 5, and 7 years old like spooky stories. Just enough spooky but not terrifying so perfect tour for kids and adults. Grandkids are still saying “hello” and “good-bye” to Miss Irma at the Kings Arms Tavern. Miss Irma’s ghost believes in being polite.
Theresa D.

From our blog

Echoes of History: Unveiling the Ghostly Mystique of Colonial Williamsburg

Nestled within the corridors of Colonial Williamsburg lie not only tales of the past but whispers of a spectral realm. Beyond its historical significance, this living museum harbors ghostly legends that intertwine with its colonial heritage, offering a unique perspective on the ethereal remnants of history. The veil between past and present seems thin in…

Rediscovering the Heart of Colonial America: Exploring Williamsburg, Virginia

In the heart of Virginia lies a living time capsule, a place where the echoes of America’s colonial past resonate through the cobblestone streets and historic buildings. Welcome to Colonial Williamsburg, a meticulously preserved site that stands as a testament to the birth of a nation and the spirit of its people. Stepping into Williamsburg…

Haunted Hotspots: Unveiling the Ghostly Charms of Williamsburg, VA, and Gettysburg

In the realm of haunted tourism, few places evoke as much fascination and mystique as Williamsburg, Virginia, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. These historic sites, steeped in tales of the supernatural, beckon travelers seeking a brush with the otherworldly amidst their rich historical tapestries. Williamsburg, with its cobblestone streets and colonial architecture, is more than a living…

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